Episode 2 Co-Host | Spacy Bondarenko FCIAT | Chartered Architectural Technologist | Head of Building Information at Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH)
Spacy brings specific focus and exceptional expertise in the development and implementation of comprehensive asset data standards. Her commitment ensures strict adherence to industry regulations, leading to enhanced overall data consistency and seamless integration of operations across MTVH. Collaborating closely with the organization's Asset Management Leaders, industry specialists, and experts from various disciplines, Spacy takes the lead in formulating and implementing Asset Data Standards and Quality Assurance measures. Spacy's efforts are directed toward facilitating the specialist directorates in the optimization of revenue structures, strategic planning for capital improvements, and ensuring the efficient lifecycle operations of buildings.
Spacy is interested in repurposing redundant structures into flexible and adaptive systems and how these can efficiently respond to future social and economic challenges.